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7 Tips on How to Care for Your Skin After A Chemical Peel

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How to Care for Your Skin After a Chemical Peel?

Chemical Peel also known as derma peeling or chemexfoliation, a chemical peel uses a chemical solution to improve the appearance of skin. In this treatment, the chemical solution applied to the skin causes trauma or injury to the skin’s layers. The skin layers eventually peel off revealing more youthful skin. As a result of a chemical face peel, the new skin is usually smoother with fewer lines and wrinkles. After a chemical skin peel, skin has a more even color and is brighter in complexion.

Chemical After-Care Tips

Proper post-chemical peel care is essential to ensure the best results from your chemical peel treatment. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind…

  1. Do Not Pick at Your Skin –
    A chemical peel sloughs off damaged skin cells, to reveal healthy skin beneath. When the damaged skin starts to peel off, avoid touching it or plucking at it. Allow it to come off naturally. Removing dead skin with your fingers could lead to formation of scars. It could also lead to skin breakouts if you touch your face with dirty fingers. In case of breakouts, consult your aesthetician.
  2. Keep Your Hair Back –
    Use a hairband or choose a hairstyle that keeps your hair away from your face. This is essentially so you don’t touch your face as you brush away your hair. Products used on your hair could also interfere with proper post chemical peel care.
  3. Moisturize Mildly –
    After a chemical peel treatment, skin is sensitive. Your post chemical peel care can include moisturizer– but use bland (neutral) products. Gently apply a thin layer of product – just enough to be comfortable. Avoid products, that you may otherwise use, which contain active ingredients as they could lead to skin irritation. Also, know that skin will look and feel dry as part of the peeling process. This is natural and moisturizer will not be able to help at this point. Your aesthetician could recommend a specific post chemical peel care moisturizer which is safe to use. Regular skincare routine can generally be resumed a week after the chemical peel, when the peeling has stopped and skin does not feel sensitive any longer.
  4. Use Sunscreen –
    The new skin that emerges after a chemical peel treatment is new, brightened and vulnerable. Your post chemical peel care should include sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and broad-spectrum high safety ratings. Ensure to use sunscreen whenever you are exposed to the sun, even if you are sitting by a window, or are in front of a screen.
  5. Stay Away from Scrubs –
    Avoid all facial scrubs, resurfacing acids, retinols etc. until your skin stops shedding. A week after your chemical peel treatment, it is generally safe to use post peel exfoliating products. These products contain gentle enzymes that soften and melt away dead skin. Do check with your aesthetician on suitable products.
  6. Skin Regimen –
    Your newly brightened skin needs care to keep looking good. Do consult with your skincare professional regarding a suitable home care regimen to maintain your complexion, for post chemical peel care. This can include anti-oxidants which defend against free radicals, as well as melanocyte down regulators which can help deal with tougher pigment.

Want To See if You’re a Perfect Candidate for a Chemical Peel?

A chemical skin peel is a suitable solution to fine lines under the eyes or around the mouth and wrinkling caused by sun damage, aging and hereditary factors. It is also suitable for certain types of acne; mild scarring; sun spots, age spots, liver spots, freckles, uneven skin coloring; rough skin, scaly patches, dull complexion; and dark patches (melasma) due to pregnancy or taking birth control pills. You will need to work with your aesthetician to determine the depth of your chemical peel. The choice of chemical peel will vary depending upon the condition of your skin and the objectives of treatment. Superficial peels can generally be used on all skin types. However, darker skin tone runs a risk of experiencing a darkening of skin after treatment. This condition is called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Do discuss with your skincare expert regarding other less aggressive treatments to reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation. Chemical peeling may also not be recommended if you have a history of abnormal skin scarring; have extra coloring in your scars; have skin conditions or take medications that increase sensitivity of skin; or cannot stay out of the sun for the healing period, which is an important part of after-care chemical peel. Do remember that the regimen for after care chemical peel differs from person to person, based on the type of peel used. Peeling also varies depending upon the individual; hence, it not peeling but the change in tone and texture that shows the success of the treatment.


A chemical skin peel can help make sun-damaged skin radiant again. It helps reduce hyper-pigmentation and improves skin tone, leaving the skin noticeably brighter and smoother. Do consult with your skin expert to figure if this treatment would be right for you. Aftercare chemical peel is also an important part of the treatment.
